Emerald Beaut plums set better this year than most, because the bloom season for plums was compressed. The plums were good the first week of September, but got better through the month and lasted through about the first week of October. The last fruits had started to wrinkle a little on the tree. Castleman stayed in good shape even longer. They're a very firm plum with nice flavor, but not as sweet or flavorful as Emerald Beaut. Castleman stayed in good shape on the tree into the middle of October.
Got our first Golden Nectar plums this year. The tree is planted over the spot where we buried David's little princess dog, Sula. They come on before Emerald Beaut. The fruits is a thing of great beauty, very sweet, but it has a less complex flavor than Emerald Beaut.
Just for fun and wonder, some bug faces. The photographer says,
I don’t consider photography art. I’m not creating beauty, I’m just recording and translating what is beautiful. Much of my photography is of details and subjects not visible to the human eye. I want to express and reveal to others the abundant, amazing world of arthropods and science.