Monday, June 9, 2014

June 9 Tomatoes (and apricots)

The forcast today is for 108 degrees, so I had to finish in the garden early.

My second non-cherry heirloom tomato of the season is Aunt Ginny's Purple, at the top.  The first of the season was Stump of the World.  Very tasty.  You can see from the photo that not all "purple" tomatoes are really purple.  Some just lack yellow coloration in their skin. 

Aunt Ginny's Purple is a famous tomato.  The name reminds me of Aunt Virginia.  She grew tomatoes, and served some of them sliced on French Toast (unsweetened) for breakfast.  Wonderful.  

Clockwise from Aunt Ginny is Barbara, a sweet plum tomato - a disease-resistant hybrid which is no longer available from seed.  Too bad. 

Golden Amber apricot - a late one.  Sweet, a little soft.

Miracle Sweet tomato - Early, sweet.  Hybrid seed no longer available.

Sun Glow, Teardrop and Tomatoberry Garden (the little ones).  Sun Gold is famous for a reason.  Tomatoberry Garden is also very good.  Shaped like little strawberries.  Teardrop is another discontinued hybrid.  Sweet, firm.

Moreton Hybrid - One of the first hybrid tomatoes, the favorite of Betty's parents.  Parent lines were once thought lost, but the hybrid was revived because of its popularity.  Full of flavor.

Juliet - A small, sweet hybrid plum.  Firm.  Has a reputation for disease resistance and reliability.  Recommended for roasting as halves.